Skills Program

Each student has an individual designed program that provides support and maximizes their learning opportunities. Students timetables are customized to meet student needs. Individual learning goals are set for each student to ensure a progression of skills and personal development each semester.

Course - Skill Areas
  • Numeracy Focus - Telling time - Measurement - Working with money  Basic addition / subtraction Literacy Focus - Reading comprehension - Word identification - Spelling - Writing (legibility) - Sign recognition 
  • Meal Program - Grocery lists - Packing / unloading - Grocery shopping / purchasing - Breakfast / lunch prep (appliances, cutting, finding ingredients)
  • Swimming - Physio activities - First Aid knowledge - Skills / techniques 
  • Social Skills - Public vs. private - Appropriate greetings - People first language - Team work
  • Self Care Skills - Personal hygiene - Navigating clothing (zippers, laces) - Folding / sorting clothes  
  • Arts (visual, music, drama, photography) 
  • Technology (ipad, computer, Smartboard) 
  • Physical activity (gym, physio) outdoor nature, individual and team building
  • Employability Skills (ESC / CSC) 
  • Best Buddies - Individualized (so many aspects) 
  • Coop Education
  • Business  -Social media, Consumerism, Blogging, Business and math skills.
