Course - Skill Areas
- Numeracy Focus - Telling time - Measurement - Working with money Basic addition / subtraction Literacy Focus - Reading comprehension - Word identification - Spelling - Writing (legibility) - Sign recognition
- Meal Program - Grocery lists - Packing / unloading - Grocery shopping / purchasing - Breakfast / lunch prep (appliances, cutting, finding ingredients)
- Swimming - Physio activities - First Aid knowledge - Skills / techniques
- Social Skills - Public vs. private - Appropriate greetings - People first language - Team work
- Self Care Skills - Personal hygiene - Navigating clothing (zippers, laces) - Folding / sorting clothes
- Arts (visual, music, drama, photography)
- Technology (ipad, computer, Smartboard)
- Physical activity (gym, physio) outdoor nature, individual and team building
- Employability Skills (ESC / CSC)
- Best Buddies - Individualized (so many aspects)
- Coop Education
- Business -Social media, Consumerism, Blogging, Business and math skills.